Grief & Death-Related Terms that Beginning With 'B'

  • Begrudge (verb) - to resent someone's possessions, good fortune, or happiness.
  • Begrudging (adjective) - unwilling or reluctant to give or grant something.
  • Beguile (verb) - deceive or mislead (someone) into believing something that is not true.
  • Beguiling (adjective) - having the ability to charm or allure.
  • Belated (adjective) - coming or happening too late; delayed.
  • Beleaguer (verb) - to besiege or lay siege to (a place) with armed forces.
  • Belfry (noun) - a tower or steeple in which a bell or bells are hung for ringing.
  • Belie (verb) - to give a false or misleading representation of; to present a false impression of
  • Believe (verb) - to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something
  • Belittle (verb) - to speak of or treat with contempt; to make something or someone seem less important or valuable
  • Belittled (verb) - make (someone or something) appear small or unimportant
  • Bequeath (verb) - to leave (property or a right) to someone in a will
  • Bereaved (adjective) - having lost a loved one through death.
  • Bereavement (noun) - the state of being bereaved, especially the loss of a close relative through death.
  • Bereft (adjective) - deprived of or lacking something; lacking something needed or normal.
  • Bereavement (noun) - the state of being bereaved, especially the loss of a close relative through death.
  • Blacken (verb) - to make or become black
  • Blackened (verb) - having a dark or dirty appearance or character
  • Blackness (noun) - the state or quality of being black; darkness
  • Blasphemy (noun) - the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk
  • Blessed (adjective) - having a divine benefit or protection; enjoying happiness and good fortune
  • Bliss (noun) - perfect happiness; great joy
  • Bloodless (adjective) - without blood; bloodless
  • Bloodshed (noun) - the shedding of blood, especially violent and unjustified killing
  • Bodiless (adjective) - having no physical body
  • Bog (noun) - a wetland area of soft, spongy ground, typically with peaty soil
  • Bondage (noun) - the state of being a slave or being completely under the control of someone or something
  • Bony (adjective) - consisting of or containing bone
  • Burden (noun) - a load or weight to be carried or borne, especially a load of responsibility or worry
  • Burial (noun) - the act or ceremony of burying a dead body
  • Burned (verb) - to be damaged or destroyed by fire